I Love Pizza....but I hate carbs😜
Behind the scenes, I’ve been doing a very strict ketogenic diet, but my love for food is STILL the same! The cool thing about KETO is that it’s HIGH FAT. Say whaaaaa? Eating fat is gonna make me lose fat? What kind of gypsy sorcery is this and why haven’t I been doing it all along🤔
Long story short, IT ACTUALLY WORKS. So I won’t be stopping anytime soon! For anyone who is interested in following a ketogenic diet, I keep my macros at a pretty strict number. It’s not hard though! 5% carbs/70% fat/20% protein is what I’ve been sticking too, and it’s been working wonders for me!
Tonight’s dinner had to fill the void that has grown in my heart since cutting out pizza *que the tears because it’s heartbreaking*🍕
So, I give you.......PIZZA STUFFED PEPPERS💃🏼
So yummy and so easy; completely “lazy girl approved”!
Red bell pepper (2)
Green onion
Pizza sauce
Olive oil
Preheat your oven to 325 degrees!
First, we better clean our cooking space with some non-toxic Thieves cleaner🤗
Next, wash your veggies! Right now we just use water and Theives spray, until our fruit and veggie wash arrives next month! You never know what your veggies go through between the farm and the table, no matter how organic they claim to be. Once your veggies have been washed, cut your peppers in half and core them. Chop your other stuff however you wish!
Spoon some pizza sauce into your peppers, and add your toppings in whatever order you prefer! I do sauce, cheese, green onion, mushroom, pepperoni, MORE CHEESE, and a little more onion on the top! I drizzle my olive oil over the top, which is a garlic mushroom oil that is made locally here in Missoula and it’s THE BOMB. They have tons of other flavors, too. Pop them in the oven at 325 for 20-25 minutes and enjoy your guilt free pizza, my friends🥂