Journey to a Healthy and Clean Lifestyle: Homemade Baby Food
Okay guys. I have SO MANY mom friends, and friends who want to become momma’s, so I really feel the need to share this.
You don’t have to be an essential oil lover, like myself, to simply feed your kids good and wholesome foods that aren’t processed or contain hidden ingredients.
If you know anything about the FDA, you know that they allow A LOT of added ingredients (that are kept secret to consumers), and they’re all mushed together in a phrase called “natural and artificial flavors”. If you DON’T know anything about this, I highly recommend researching it.
I started with the Plum Organics baby food pouches, simply because I had nothing to make baby food in. Well, that all changed when we were gifted the newest Bosch mixer for Christmas! When using the pouches we discovered that Oakley LOVES sweet potatoes, and we also discovered that they’re expensive as heck, and that one pouch cost more that 2 sweet potatoes. It cost me $135 for one month of baby food pouches. Oakley ate about 4 of these a day and they’re $1.25 each.
When we first started solids, I gave her REAL mushed bananas and she loved those too. So today I’m making a huge batch of baby food with 2 simple ingredients! Can you guess what they are? Sweet potatoes and bananas 😜
This entire batch of food, that will last roughly 3 weeks, cost a total of about $6. SIX DOLLARS YOU GUYS.
3 sweet potatoes (peeled and chopped)
5 bananas (peeled)
Standing mixer/hand mixer
Peel and chop your sweet potatoes, whatever size you feel you want! I did smaller
Bring them to a rolling boil, and boil for 10-15min until they’ve reached a point where they can be mashed easily
Peel and slice your bananas while you’re boiling your sweet potatoes
After your potatoes have boiled to your liking, strain them and add them all into your mixer
Mix on low to mash them, then increase your mixing speed gradually until you’ve reached a puréed consistency
Add your bananas gradually
Mix until there are no more chunks
Once you’ve got it we’ll puréed, let it cool while you do the dishes you’ve created (this is the most fun part😜)
Lastly, fill the containers of your choice with your super yummy baby food, that is lazy girl approved and tight budget friendly, and freeze (I left enough in the fridge for 2 days)
When you’re ready to use, move from the freezer to the fridge the night before you need it!