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New Year, New Me; KIDDING

I seriously love the new year. It’s a clean slate (or so we say) for anyone who wants to start over, it’s an excuse to buy new gym clothes...which lets be real, we’re just going to wear those leggings to the grocery store🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s so cliché, but it’s still so fitting. We have the power to change our direction at anytime, which is so beautiful and freeing. I’m thankful to live in a country with such a thing. 

In the past year I’ve had so many huge life changes. I went from being a 21 year old with no care in the world who ran on vodka sodas and 5 hours of sleep, to a 22 year old mom and business owner. Almost in the blink of an eye, my entire life changed.

No amount of New Year’s resolutions could’ve prepared me for what last year brought me, and I’m so thankful for that. This year I’ve got nothing up my sleeve, although I wish I did 😆 but anyway, here are a few of my “resolutions”, and I’m mostly using this for myself to refer back to.

I wish to teach and love Oakley as much as possible; when I think I’ve taught her enough, I want to teach her more. 

I wish to love myself fully and appreciate who I am and how hard I’ve worked to become this person. 

I wish to get outside more and appreciate this earth and all it has to offer (and I really hope my boyfriend will take me fly fishing more🙄)

I wish to get engaged. ——is that a resolution? We’ll call it one this year 😆

I want to be 100% devoted in everything I do. 

I wish to gain knowledge in an area that I never have before....ideas are appreciated🤔🤷🏼‍♀️

Anyway, I hope your resolutions bring you peace of mind and contentment this year. If you need me, I’ll be buying new workout clothes and drinking FIT tea....not


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