Traveling With Baby: 15 Must-Have Items
In light of my recent trip to Washington, I really wanted to touch on what I travel with when traveling with my 3 month old, Oakley. I’m a first time Mom, so I’m sure I over pack at this point in motherhood, but that’s destined to change as she gets bigger and my ability to carry her and luggage dwindles.
I think it’s so so important to be prepared, especially if you’re making the trip alone with your babes. You never know what could happen or when, when it comes to children! Your best bet is to always be prepared even if you’re over prepared.
Unfortunately, this time I underpacked for sure. So mostly this list of things to NEVER forget is for me, but hopefully it helps you too 🤷🏼♀️
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Bottled water. I ALWAYS FORGET THIS. Then I’m kicking myself when she’s starving on the plane and I’ve gotta wait for the drink cart to pass us by. *2,000 years later*
A binky leash! Can’t even count how many times the binky hit the floor.
Extra bibs. Airplanes seem to tickle her tummy and we go through 2 or more bibs each time!
Tylenol for Momma!
NinxGia Red saved my life on this trip. You can get it in 2oz packets and they’re so yummy! Replaces my vitamins and my redbull for the day. Anytime I travel, I always feel a cold coming on afterward and this nips it in the bud real quick.
Teethers (depending on the age).
Anything to keep them entertained in the slightest way! Right now, Oaks is really into my iPhone 🙄
Extra binkys! We lose binkys left and right at home, so just imagine how many we lose when it’s CRUCIAL that we have them.
I always bring 2 clean bottles in the carry on bag, that way if she finishes one, we don’t have to remake one in a yucky bottle.
Thieves spray cleaner! “Binky wipes” are full of nasty chemicals that I don’t want going in my babe’s mouth, so we opt for the natural way to disinfect.
500 diapers. Okay, not exactly. I bring at least 8 in the diaper bag, and always have a pack waiting for us at our destination.
Hand Sanitizer! Planes are seriously nasty and are not disinfected in between flights. Stay above that wellness line👏🏼
Some kind of pick-me-up for mom. Because honey you deserve it! (I was sure to get myself a quad shot iced mocha this trip, so I could make it through)
An extra change of clothes for Mom, because you’re sure to get puked on🤷🏼♀️
Condense your stuff into the smallest bag possible! I also leave my chunky wallet at home and pack my important cards/money in my passport carrier! I can’t stress enough how important it is to free your hands as much as you can, since babies are a HANDFUL👏🏼